About Us

EnvironmentPlus International is a dynamic, respected, government registered, non-profit organisation based in the United Kingdom. Since 2007 we have been designing and sharing environmental best practice with governments, educational establishments, institutions charities and communities on an international platform.

Saving the Planet is much more than CO2

“Climate scientists believe that human induced global deforestation is responsible for between 18-25% of global climate change. This is compounded by our global industrial and residential impact on the environment”

The Quality Mark is benchmarked and monitored against recognised international standards and objectives helping organisations to promote their sustainability efforts, and providing consumers with confidence.


Participate and make a positive difference


EnvironmentPlus International is focussed on helping achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals address inequalities and challenges across all continents of earth, whilst developing and protecting the environment. We undertake focussed, respectful, diplomatic interaction with local authorities, communities, charitable bodies, schools, businesses, services and individual citizens, and decision makers.

Through research, education, positive actions, and dialogue we can all make a REAL positive difference if we work together.

All Quality Mark members fees are re-invested into our Environmental and Research Programmes such as the ‘Saving our Bees’ and the ‘Atlantic Ocean Plastics’ research projects both running until 2026 (see Projects page).

Environment+ Quality Mark

Quality Mark your school, charity, village hall, parish, community organisation, service, business, or make a decision to individually offset your negative environmental impact on the planet. Let your community and those who use your services know that you care about the environment and that you are committed to making a positive change. Highlight your commitment to the environment on your letterhead, your website, your advertisements, helping to build trust and loyalty in your operations. (You must follow our best practice ethical guidelines, Terms & Conditions)

Committing to the Quality Mark can assist your organisation with tender applications, grant funding applications, government inspections, and organisation of choice by consumers in the community.

Online Quality Accredited Sustainable Skills course ensuring organisations can provide focussed skills for at least one staff member, helping to learn and embed best sustainability practice, helping employers to cut costs within the workplace. This course can also provide skills for to help people access Green Jobs in the economy.

Use our affordable Consultancy Service using our Expert Professional Consultants to help you drive your projects or business forward. The areas we support are: Environment, Heritage, Churches, Arts, Youth and Community and Sports. If you need to access Grant Funding or apply for Tenders, our experts can help you at a fixed cost to quickly submit a strong application. We have an excellent track record for grant applications.

Keep informed. Access our biannual E+ Newsletter keeping you up to date. For Quality Mark members you can also request to promote your organisation, service or business, or write an article free of charge after the second quarter of your membership, potentially reaching hundreds of thousands of interested readers.